This is the ordinary meeting of representatives or delegates of all members of the Organization. In harmony with the International kolping Society.The conversation shall be responsible for Kolping program, Constitution and By-laws, annual dues and election of national Board of Directors.
This consists of the Chairperson and his/her Deputy,the National Praeses and his Deputy,Treasurer, Secretary, Youth representative,Women representative, national Executive director and Deputy National executive Director.The function of the National board of Directors is to formulate policies for the organization, support and supervise carrying out of the objectives and functions of the Organization.
The Executive Director is an employee of the organization by virtue of his/her position and is an ex-officio member of the various organs of the Organization.He is responsible for the entire administration of the Organization and answerable to the National Board of Directors. The Zonal/Metro offices under the National Office are Mombasa Metro office, Nyeri Metro office, Homabay Zonal office, Kisumu Zonal office, and Nairobi Metro office and are consolidated by/ at the Kolping national offices.
The serve as administrative entities and are managed by designated Field Officers who are accountable to the National Office. The Zone size, scope, work and terms of service for the officers are determined and approved by the National Board of Directors.
They shall be formed whenever individuals from not less than ten distinct natural nuclear families come together. it is the grassroots of the kolping Organization. They form specialized groups such as the youth, Age groups, women or professionals and thy are to remain united within such a Kolping family.
Episcopal protector is the official representative of Kenya Episcopal Conference to Kolping Organization of Kenya and his role and function is provided for and directed by the International Kolping Society in its constitution and policy documents. Kolping Organization of Kenya income generating projects.
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